Monday, September 23, 2013

More evidence for bi polar battle of the sexes

Men and women handle bipolar disorders differently. That may not sound earth shattering to anybody, but now we're getting specific. Bipolar men were more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol than women. Bipolar women were more likely to have a co-morbid phobia or eating disorder Women were more likely to have metabolic issues (obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes) Men were more likely to develop neurological disorders For the more info on the study that was conducted with 1000 subjects visit the Scienedirect page.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Exploding Bi Polar Disorders

When celebrities 'come out' about their bi polar disorders chances are it wasn't by choice. Typically there's a very very public breakdown that goes viral. Carrier Fisher would be a recent example. People did a bit on her recent episode on a cruise ship. Culturally, consumers will eat up anything that is even mildly controversial, or that displays the demise of a once beloved celebrity. I'd love to see these individuals get help before it goes public. Public breakdowns sensationalize a real problem. It's not that the public can't handle the grisly reality some face, but it pushes those who struggle further to the margins.